WGN 9 News: Chicago teen vying for spot on U.S. women’s wheelchair basketball team

On an old court at Chicago Park District's Mann Park, a fresh face is breathing new life into the game of basketball.

ABC 7 News: Chicago 13-year-old makes U.S. women's wheelchair basketball team

An 8th grader is making Chicago Proud, becoming the youngest member of the 2018 U.S.

ABC 7 Chicago: Ground broken for new athletic facilities for Simeon HS in West Chatham Park

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and students from Simeon High School were on hand as ground was broken on new athletic facilities in West Chatham Park Monday mo

Chicago Sun-Times: Part of lakefront trail re-opens with separate bike/pedestrian lanes

Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Sunday officially re-opened a section of lakefront path between North and Fullerton avenues that had been closed since May as

ABC 7 Chicago: Registration for Winter Chicago Park District Programs Opens this Week

With winter around the corner, the Chicago Park District is opening registration for its winter park programs this week.

DNAinfo Chicago: Move Over 606, City Officials Break Ground On 312 RiverRun Trail

On Wednesday, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced the 312 RiverRun: three parks, connected by a single path that stretches for nearly 2 miles on the Chica

News Article: The best Chicago parks for every occasion

Chicago is home to more than 600 parks and beaches. No, that's not a typo.

DNAinfo Chicago: 'Adult Playground' Makes Chicago Debut In Burnham Park

Thanks to a generous donation by The Coca-Cola Company, residents of Chicago can now visit Burnham Park and enjoy a new fitness station tha

Choose Chicago: Explore the 606

Rising nearly 18 feet above street level, The 606 (which takes its name from the common numerals for all Chicago ZIP codes) officially opened in Ju