Members of the public will have the opportunity to address the Board during the “People in the Parks” section of the meetings.  A total of 30 minutes is allotted for this public comment period at each board meeting.  Those addressing the Board are limited to two minutes and must register in advance.  See registration information below.  Those unable to speak due to the time limit may address their concerns to the Board in writing. Once the registration period ends, staff will contact you directly to
confirm whether you are officially on the speaker list for the next meeting.

The information provided below is for regular board meetings which take place on Wednesdays. For other Personnel Board meetings, Public Hearings, Committee meetings, or other Board-related meetings, the same process applies, but the days to sign up to speak may differ. Please refer to the meeting notices for specific days to sign up.

Registration Requirements

Persons who wish to address the Board during the public comment period must submit registration information to the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners or her designee, in one of the following three manners.  Sign-up is on a first come first serve basis and opens Friday morning before the meeting and closes at 4 pm on Monday before the meeting. View meeting dates here. Learn more about Language Access (Interpretation / Translation) and Board Meeting Accessibility here.

1.  Email Sign-Up
Send an email to, with the following information

  • Name
  • Contact information (phone and email)
  • Relevant Title or Park Affiliation
  • Issue to address

Supporting documents can be attached to the email for submission to the Board of Commissioners

2.  Telephone Sign-Up
Call (312) 742-4299, and provide the following information after the recording:

  • Name
  • Contact information (phone and email)
  • Relevant Title or Park Affiliation
  • Issue to address

3.  In-person Sign-Up 

Come to the lobby of the Chicago Park District Administration Building at 4830 South Western Avenue, Chicago, IL 60609 from 1:00-4:00 PM on the Monday prior to the meeting only.  Please call (312) 742-4707 when you arrive and someone will meet you in the lobby.

Supporting Documents and Written Testimonies
If you are registered to speak at the Board meeting and wish to submit any materials as supporting documents: Electronic materials are to be submitted as email attachments to by 10 AM the day before the meeting to ensure the Board has time to review. If you are submitting printed hardcopy materials on the day pf the Board meeting, they must be delivered to staff by 11 AM. 

In leiu of speaking at the Board meeting, you may submit your comments as written testimony to be reviewed by the Board. All written testimony must be submitted as email attachments to by 10 AM the day before the meeting to ensure the Board has time to review.

Regardless of the manner in which you submit your request to speak, all submissions must be received by 4:00 PM the Monday prior to the meeting. Any submissions received after 4:00 PM will not be allowed to address the board.

The request must set out clearly the nature of the subject matter to be presented and must relate to matters within the authority of the Board of Commissioners. The Board reserves the right to make additional methods of registration available from time to time.

Before coming to speak, please review our public participation rules:
View the Public Participation Rules

To learn more about what will be covered at the meeting, view the meeting agendas:
View Board Meeting Agendas