Peter Neumer, Inspector General

Chicago Park District Office of Inspector General
740 N. Sedgwick St., 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60654

The mission of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) is to:

  • Investigate allegations of fraud, waste and abuse or misconduct by Chicago Park District employees, Board members, contractors, agents, or volunteers
  • Monitor the Park District’s compliance with the Employment Plan’s rules governing hiring and other employment actions
  • Conduct internal audits by the Audit Department to assess integrity of financial reporting systems, the effectiveness of internal controls, and the efficiency of established procedures

What should be reported?

Some examples of what should be reported to the OIG include:

  • Misconduct - violation of District Code, ethics ordinance, etc.
  • Waste or mismanagement of Park District assets or resources
  • Contract or procurement fraud
  • Criminal activity, such as theft or bribery, that involves employees, Board members, contractors, agents or volunteers (report any emergency criminal activity to the Chicago Police Department)

Any individual who contacts the OIG can report information openly, anonymously, or confidentially. When filing a complaint, please provide as much information about the alleged incident as possible: who, what, when, where and how. 

How to report:

Submit a report to the Office of the Inspector General through one of the following options:

  • Online:  Submit online complaint
  • By telephone: (312) 742-3333 (Confidential Hotline)
  • By fax:  (312) 742-9505
  • In writing:  Chicago Park District Office of Inspector General, 740 N. Sedgwick St., 3rd Floor, Chicago, IL 60654
  • In person:  740 N. Sedgwick St., 3rd Floor, Chicago, IL 60654


Duty to report:

It is the duty of every employee, Board member, agent, and contractor of the District to report any fraud, mismanagement, waste of funds or resources, abuse of authority, conflicts of interest, ethical violations or other improper act by another involving District business or assets. The Park District Code prohibits retaliation for reporting to, cooperating with, or assisting the Inspector General.

Law Department Claims:

To obtain information regarding a claim, please visit the Law Department page.


